New Immediate Threats!

Elke week komen er nieuwe cyberdreigingen en threats bij in de wereld. Zodra een threat bekend is, wordt deze door het Cymulate Research Lab geanalyseerd, en gekopieerd, zodat de angel eruit kan worden getrokken. Deze de-weaponized threat is binnen 48 uur beschikbaar om daarmee offensief de weerbaarheid van de beveiligingssystemen te testen. Zo weet je direct of de beveiligingsmaatregelen nog steeds adequaat zijn en welke rules je eventueel moet toepassen indien nodig.

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Hieronder zie je de Immediate Threats van de afgelopen weken.


Immediate Threats

    • Increase In The Exploitation Of Microsoft SmartScreen Vulnerability CVE-2024-21412

      Cyble analyzes an ongoing campaign exploiting a Microsoft SmartScreen vulnerability to deliver stealers through spam emails. The campaign employs lures related to healthcare transportation and tax notices to trick users into downloading malicious payloads. It utilizes techniques like DLL sideloading and IDATLoader to inject the final payload. The malicious activity culminates in the deployment of Lumma and Meduza Stealer for data theft.

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    • More Akira-related IOCs are spotted in the wild

      Akira ransomware operations are attributed to unidentified cybercriminal groups employing advanced TTPs with observed shifts in strategies and tools used over time.

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    • MuddyWater APT Group Releases BugSleep Backdoor Across The Middle East

      MuddyWater an Iranian threat group affiliated with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) has ramped up its activities in Israel since the Israel-Hamas war began in October 2023. This activity is also observed against targets in Saudi Arabia Turkey Azerbaijan India and Portugal. MuddyWater uses phishing campaigns sent from compromised organizational email accounts typically leading to the deployment of legitimate Remote Management Tools (RMM) like Atera Agent and Screen Connect. Recently their campaigns have introduced BugSleep a new custom backdoor designed to execute commands and transfer files between compromised machines and the C2 server. BugSleep is still in development with ongoing improvements and bug fixes by the threat actors.

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    • BianLian Ransomware Group Continues To Adapt

      The BianLian ransomware group one of the top three most active ransomware groups alongside Lockbit3 and Alphv has shown continuous evolution and adaptability. They have significantly impacted various sectors notably legal services healthcare engineering/construction accounting services and logistics and transportation. BianLians prominence highlights the dynamic nature of the threat landscape. Their ability to adapt tactics develop new tools and exploit emerging vulnerabilities underscores the need for constant vigilance and proactive defense measures. Using Golang BianLian has created versatile tools that operate across different operating systems. Understanding their techniques and implementing robust defenses can help organizations better prepare for and mitigate ransomware attacks.

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    • Cert IL Alert - active phishing campaign in Israel

      Recently the National Cyber Directorate reported an active phishing campaign in Israel.

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    • US Cert Alert - Peoples Republic of China PRC Ministry of State Security APT40 Tradecraft in Action

      This advisory outlines the tactics techniques and procedures employed by the state-sponsored cyber group APT40 also known as Kryptonite Panda GINGHAM TYPHOON Leviathan and Bronze Mohawk. The group believed to be associated with the Peoples Republic of Chinas Ministry of State Security has repeatedly targeted networks in various countries including Australia and the United States. The report provides details on the groups methods for initial access execution persistence privilege escalation defense evasion credential access discovery lateral movement collection exfiltration and command and control. It highlights the groups ability to rapidly exploit new vulnerabilities and compromised devices as operational infrastructure.

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    • APT41 Adds New Malware To Compromise Entities Across Multiple Sectors

      Mandiant discovered an APT41 intrusion where the threat actor used ANTSWORD and BLUEBEAM web shells for persistence on a Tomcat Apache Manager server active since at least 2023. APT41 used these web shells to execute certutil.exe to download the DUSTPAN dropper which stealthily loaded a Cobalt Strike beacon. As the intrusion progressed APT41 escalated their tactics by deploying the DUSTTRAP dropper. DUSTTRAP would decrypt and execute a malicious payload in memory minimizing forensic traces. The payload established communication with either APT41-controlled infrastructure or compromised Google Workspace accounts. These accounts were remediated to prevent further unauthorized access. Additionally APT41 used two legitimate tools SQLULDR2 to export data from Oracle databases and PINEGROVE to efficiently exfiltrate large volumes of sensitive data.

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    • ShadowRoot Ransomware Targeting Turkish Businesses

      An analysis reveals a basic ransomware campaign targeting Turkish enterprises. The attack commences with a malicious PDF attachment delivered via email containing a link that downloads an executable payload. This executable then drops further components including a .NET binary obfuscated with dotnet confuser. The malware recursively encrypts files with the .shadowroot extension and communicates with a Russian SMTP server. While exhibiting fundamental functionality this campaign appears to be the work of an inexperienced actor aiming to extort victims through ransom demands.

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