Zero Day Vulnerability

Zero Day Vulnerability

A Zero-Day Vulnerability (also referred to as Zero-Day Exploit) refers to a security vulnerability in software, hardware or any other digital system that is discovered and exploited by malicious actors before the developer of the system is aware of its existence . The term "zero-day" refers to the zero days that the developer is aware and has been able to take action to patch or fix the vulnerability before attackers exploit it.

Characteristics of a Zero-Day Vulnerability include:

1. Unknown to vendor: The developer of the software or system is not aware of the vulnerability at the time it is exploited.
2. No protective measures: There are no official patches or fixes available to address the vulnerability, leaving systems vulnerable.
3. Active attack risk: Attackers can exploit the vulnerability to gain unauthorized access, distribute malware, steal data, or perform other malicious activities.

Zero-Day Vulnerabilities are particularly risky because organizations cannot prepare for or protect against attacks that exploit these vulnerabilities. Attackers can use zero-day exploits to launch attacks before defenses can react, which can lead to serious consequences such as data loss, system compromise, and financial loss.

Security companies, researchers and ethical hackers often try to discover zero-day vulnerabilities and report them to vendors so that they can be fixed as quickly as possible. Organizations must proactively update their systems and software and implement security measures to reduce the risk of zero-day attacks.

Updated on 07 Aug, 2023