Immediate Threat Intelligence (ITI)

Immediate Threat Intelligence (ITI)

"Immediate Threat Intelligence" (ITI) refers to real-time information and data that identifies and reports immediate threats, attacks or risks. It is a type of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) that focuses on detecting and responding to current and immediate cyber threats.

ITI includes information such as:

  1. Current Attack Methods: Details about the latest attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by malicious actors.
  2. Vulnerabilities and Exploits: Notifications about recently discovered vulnerabilities in software or systems, along with information about active exploits.
  3. Botnets and Malware Activity: Information about recently identified botnets, malicious software distribution, and other malware activity.
  4. Phishing and social engineering campaigns: Notifications about ongoing phishing attacks, fake websites, fake messages, and other forms of social engineering.
  5. Attack Infrastructure: Details about new IP addresses, domains, or other infrastructure elements used in attacks.
  6. IOCs (Indicators of Compromise): Specific signs or patterns that may indicate an attack in progress, such as IP addresses, file names, or hashes associated with malicious activity.

Immediate Threat Intelligence is critical for organizations to respond quickly and effectively to ongoing cyber threats. By receiving up-to-date information about current attacks, security teams can take immediate action to minimize and prevent potential damage

Updated on 07 Aug, 2023
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