AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables you to provision and manage resources in an automated and consistent manner. It allows you to define your infrastructure as code using templates, making it easier to create, update, and delete AWS resources as part of your application deployment process.

Key features and concepts of AWS CloudFormation include:

  1. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): CloudFormation allows you to define your AWS infrastructure using JSON or YAML templates, which are versionable and can be stored in source control.
  2. Templates: CloudFormation templates describe the resources you want to create, including EC2 instances, databases, networking components, and more.
  3. Stacks: Stacks are sets of AWS resources created from a CloudFormation template. You can manage the lifecycle of a stack, including creation, updates, and deletion.
  4. Stack Updates: CloudFormation supports updates to existing stacks, allowing you to make changes to your infrastructure in a controlled and predictable manner.
  5. Change Sets: Before applying updates, CloudFormation generates a change set that shows the proposed changes, giving you the opportunity to review and approve them.
  6. Rollback and Drift Detection: CloudFormation provides features to detect and roll back failed updates, as well as identify and correct deviations (drift) from the expected stack configuration.
  7. Cross-Stack References: You can create references between resources in different stacks, enabling modular and reusable infrastructure designs.
  8. Custom Resources: CloudFormation supports the creation of custom resources using AWS Lambda functions, allowing you to extend its capabilities.

AWS CloudFormation helps you automate the provisioning of infrastructure resources, maintain consistency, and reduce manual intervention. It's widely used in conjunction with other AWS services to create reliable and scalable cloud-based applications and environments.

Updated on 11 Aug, 2023
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